They were also twice as likely to have low-weight babies.
However, if a woman stops smoking before the 20th week of pregnancy, her risk of having a low-weight baby will be similar to that of a non-smoker.
Professor Engebretson said the pacifier could be made in several sizes to accommodate different low-weight babies.
Premature, low-weight babies are 40 times as apt to die in their first weeks.
Dr. Graham's fundamental challenge is that WIC hasn't done much to prevent the birth of very low-weight babies to poor mothers.
This episode examines the phenomenon that African American women, on average, are significantly more likely to give birth to premature and/or low-weight babies than white women, even when studies control for factors like income and education.
Low doses of aspirin were found to be effective in preventing pregnant women from developing high blood pressure and in reducing their risk of giving birth to low-weight babies, according to a report based on previous studies.
The incidence of CP increases with premature or very low-weight babies regardless of the quality of care.
Pregnant women with periodontal disease, for example, appear to be significantly more likely to give birth to low-weight babies because the resulting inflammation may contribute to premature labor.
The women in both groups had the same rates of miscarriage, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies, early deliveries and low-weight babies, although the residents worked almost twice the number of hours as did the wives.