The talks are aimed at lowering barriers on the nearly $4 trillion of annual world trade.
There is no need to bring officially sanctioned prayer back to schools or to lower other barriers that separate church and state.
Many countries have lowered barriers to foreign (especially American) investment.
The best approach is to lower barriers to trade and immigration and open the door to closer security cooperation.
But in some cases, the tragedy of Sept. 11 lowers barriers.
China and Asean began lowering barriers to trade in 2005.
Measures that will lower barriers to medical malpractice lawsuits against the companies have been enacted in a number of states.
The principal issue has been over lowering barriers to trade of agriculture products.
The approach also says that lowering affective or emotional barriers to learning is important.
By lowering such barriers, consumers are thought to benefit from a greater supply of goods and services at lower prices.