That's a fine idea as long as the deficit is closed in a way that lowers consumption.
The Temperance movement in Ireland was an influential movement dedicated to lowering consumption of alcohol that involved both Protestant and Catholic religious leaders.
The best heaters now on the market use about 2,000, while research and development might lower consumption to 1,000 kilowatt-hours.
Lowering individual consumption.
Lowers consumption of imported or ground water.
Still, because there is no effective way to lower just problem drinking, he added, a viable alternative is to lower consumption across the board.
Many advocates of a gasoline tax have argued that in addition to raising revenue, the tax would lower consumption, cutting air pollution and reducing demand for imported oil.
The increased fear of enduring recession and the increased financing costs have lowered company investments and private consumption.
It also did not address the effects of making permanent changes in one's diet like eliminating meat or lowering fat consumption without reducing calories.
The standards do not do a particularly good job at lowering consumption.