The Brady Act, accordingly, has proven to be practically impotent in lowering crime.
With his record of lowering crime and putting welfare recipients to work, he has the standing to speak up for the immigrant tradition.
Yet he provides no evidence that these laws had any effect on lowering crime.
And they were an unwelcome departure for a Police Commissioner who has more often been able to trumpet his department's success in lowering crime.
He said he thought the police in New York had done well in lowering crime, and he saw the Diallo shooting as an honest mistake.
The poll did not ask respondents how they ranked improving teacher education against other concerns like lowering crime or improving the environment.
Since Nicole's death, which was widely covered by the news media here, Mr. Muñiz has made lowering crime on the island his mission.
Establish programs expanding and renovating the city's library, constructing 800 new housing units including the Gaia Building downtown, and lowering crime.
Rybak's mayoralty has dealt mostly with lowering crime, creating jobs, building affordable housing, and balancing the City's budget.
He must hold onto the success in lowering crime and boosting business while reaching out to those who have been left behind.