He also wants the state to take a much more assertive role in creating lower-cost housing.
According to the municipal spokesman, the overwhelming majority moved to the city not for ideological reasons but for lower-cost housing and higher living standards.
With the number of people moving into the city, lower-cost housing was needed for immigrants who were new to Minnesota.
She suggested rewarding teachers at the most troubled schools with grants to repay college loans and by giving them preference for lower-cost housing.
They could opt instead to preserve existing lower-cost housing in the area by buying a building and maintaining the monthly charges.
Now, as an established resident, the lack of lower-cost housing in surrounding communities has an effect on my life as well.
Demand is heavy for lower-cost housing on the Island, and not just for the elderly.
Other parts of the plan will seek to preserve open space, upgrade parks, promote lower-cost housing and revitalize downtown areas.
"More and more households have to compete for an ever-declining supply of lower-cost housing," the report said.
Developers, however, say that the builder's remedy is the only way they can pay for the lower-cost housing.