Sole E95 The E95 is the top-of-the-range Sole elliptical trainer, and it offers even better value for the money than the lower-end models.
These greyscale displays were relatively inexpensive during the first few years the PS/2 was available, and very commonly purchased with lower-end models.
Alan looked at the silver Cannondale, one of their lower-end models, and immediately recognized that the frame was at least five centimeters too small for Purdy.
If, on the other hand, you want a unit simply for whipping up an occasional birthday cake or pancakes for Sunday breakfast, then a lower-end model should suffice.
XL-100 was RCA's name for their lower-end models of televisions produced from the 1970s to the early 1990s.
A more advanced device may be accurate to within 0.3 mm/m; while lower-end models may be closer to 1.5 mm/m.
The lower-end models are offered at competitive prices in the $300 to $550.00 range (at major retailers).
The Pulsamatic mechanism, unique in that it pulsated 330 times per minute, was introduced in 1955 for the lower-end models.
"Before 9/11, most people were shopping for the lower-end models," Mr. Lamson said.
The lower-end models did not contain an instruction stack.