Over the years, TM has evolved its services to cover lower-income groups as well.
Similarly, for many lower-income groups, the spread of companies in which they have shares will be very limited.
The proportion rose to 80 percent among lower-income groups.
Another, and perhaps larger, challenge for American Express may be that it is out of its element in trying to appeal to lower-income groups.
Such a tax cut should be compromised somewhat to give more benefit to middle- and lower-income groups who will spend it more quickly.
With such high costs, lower-income groups are effectively shut out of the community's housing market.
Some administrators of the housing program were not satisfied with assisting only the lower-income groups.
One in ten visits are now by those from lower-income groups.
Therefore, such a tax "must be designed so as not to be painful to lower-income groups," she said.
This may partly explain the lower life expectancy of lower-income groups.