You can get a tax benefit, a very important reduction, by providing 20 percent lower-income housing.
Residential developers could still build at a ratio of 12 if they also provided lower-income housing.
The lower-income housing would have to be in the same community board district as the luxury tower or within half a mile of the building.
To determine eligibility for the lower-income housing, the city would use Federal standards.
This group often falls through the cracks of lower-income housing in the city.
"Lower recycling rates may have to do with less education or a lower level of building services in lower-income housing," she said.
You would be hard-pressed to find anybody opposed to more lower-income housing.
Others deed land to nonprofit development groups on which to build lower-income housing.
Owners of lower-income housing say that a cap lower than $500 a unit is needed urgently.
The building must be kept as lower-income housing for 30 years.