Similarly, studies show that lower-income students benefit by being in economically mixed schools.
In all four of the districts, the score gaps between higher- and lower-income students were not significantly different from the gap for large cities.
And for lower-income college-bound students, the lack of a state budget has created major uncertainties.
He said the new scholarships would completely offset the increases for lower-income students.
But lower-income students are going in about the same proportions that they did in the 1970's.
Instead, the White House called for increased grant aid to lower-income students.
Most disturbing, lower-income students are not getting a chance to catch up with their better-off peers.
At grade 8 Score gaps between higher- and lower-income students narrowed from 2003 to 2011 in four states.
Harvard admissions officials say that they, too, are concerned about attracting more lower-income students of all races.
"Democrats tend to see them as points of access to training for some lower-income students."