The act was intended to outlaw shakedowns of lower-level workers by their superiors.
The gap between chiefs' pay and that of lower-level workers has yawned in recent years.
He also said G.M. would try to remove layers of bureaucracy and give more decision-making power to lower-level workers.
Many are migrant workers and other lower-level workers who have to travel long distances to the clinics, she said.
In view of the pension and health insurance givebacks being forced upon lower-level workers, this surge is especially obscene.
But others are being tried, including stock options for lower-level workers.
Many companies, including FedEx, give options to a small portion of lower-level workers as a reward for outstanding work.
Andersen had been largely precluded from speaking with lower-level workers.
Part-time employees and lower-level workers who are lawyers would not have to give up outside work.
And while many of those options are given to lower-level workers, chief executives often get millions of options in a single year.