British Airways, for example, will not give an advance seat assignment because seats for lower-priced tickets are limited.
Tickets from $83 to $150 (lower-priced tickets are sold out).
The latest round of fare reductions cames after an Aug. 1 announcement by Continental that it would sell lower-priced tickets for round-trip travel on any weekend through Labor Day.
This week Canuck fans received offers of up to 40 percent off lower-priced tickets.
Holders of lower-priced tickets will do better with the wider selection of golden oldies from the City Ballet's usual repertory.
If only the lower-priced tickets were reduced, "people will still look at the pricing from the top and think it's 35 pounds downward," he explained.
Here are some services that offer lower-priced tickets.
An economic downturn led business travelers to opt for lower-priced tickets, if they flew at all.
With the lower-priced ticket, "we hope not to have a loss," said Herman C. Kissiah, dean of students.
She went to the movies with her husband, who produced his senior citizen card as proof of eligibility for a lower-priced ticket.