He doubted T'ron would stoop to searching a lowly apprentice, but the stones made a suspicious bulge.
No lowly apprentice would enter the Master's quarters, however humble, without direct permission.
That was what she had been waiting for, that unguarded, unforced, totally natural reaction of a lowly apprentice who sees her work unfold like a fairytale.
As law firms have grown into huge operations employing hundreds of lawyers - and as associates evolved from lowly apprentices into high-paid specialists - that model has become both too expensive and too restrictive.
We share a bond, you and I. For he was my Master when I was a lowly young apprentice here.
Not, he reminded himself, that a lowly apprentice who has just lost his privileged position, should saunter when sent to the Masterharper of Pern.
Only one small worry nagged at her: what if the vengeful Pona could prejudice her grandfather, Lord Sangel, against a lowly apprentice in the Craft Hall?
Lord Sangel, against a lowly apprentice in the Craft Hall?
He had given leave to even the lowliest apprentice to enjoy this last day of Turn's End.
Sometimes, he thought sourly, finding a place to have a private conversation aboard a starship was about as easy as netting an asteroid made of pure platinum, at least for lowly apprentices lacking the luxury of a private office or work cabin.