Her parents although worthy were of the lowly ranks of the poor, and their children were put to service at an early age.
Everyone seemed to feel awe of Kurtz, and yet he was only an assistant station agent, who had never been promoted beyond that lowly rank.
What, she asked herself, could Dominik have found that will elevate us from the lowly ranks of the turtles?
Appropriate origin theories were created to justify their lowly rank in the new social order.
Very quickly they made it obvious to me that I was merely a horse boy now, and the lowest of that lowly rank.
Was it because of her lowly rank as a recruit?
Querrey may have been of a lowlier rank but it is another big-name scalp for the young Australian.
They were evidently of a lowly rank, for the woman ignored them.
She was the last to follow the others up the stairs, as befitted her lowly rank.
How odd, as ministers of his lowly rank were usually quite skilled at being obsequious.