Bhau and his loyal bodyguards fought to the end, the Maratha leader having three horses shot out from under him.
Personally loyal bodyguards have been the mark of tyrants for three thousand years, she thought.
That leaves five hundred loyal bodyguards to cut you down!
The velavali, loyal bodyguards of the royalty were fierce warriors under oath (vele).
Others believe Vlad was killed in the war, surrounded by the bodies of his loyal Moldavian bodyguards.
Everyone knew that the Ternaui were the most loyal, utterly reliable bodyguards any of the Galactics could hope for.
The President and his loyal bodyguards versus the treacherous military-industrial complex.
He received 200 loyal knights from Stephen to serve as his loyal bodyguards, but his army remained small.
Also his loyal bodyguard was shot by a man known as Manuel Blanco.
They had the much tougher look of loyal bodyguards.