About 1775 he returned to Jamaica to look after his property and take up a lucrative appointment.
He was rewarded by a lucrative appointment in the ordnance department, which allowed him time to indulge his literary tastes.
The report said several others received lucrative appointments from judges for whom they had provided free legal or professional services.
Both sons held lucrative appointments in the Survey Department of Madras.
He showed sham loyalty and got promotions and lucrative appointments after retirement.
After a succession of lucrative appointments, he was nominated in the Regulating Act (13 Geo.
The court system does not track who gets these lucrative appointments, much less whether evaluators tend to favor fathers or mothers or joint custody.
However when the people in corridors of power refused to listen to him, he resigned from this highly prestigious post despite offers for other lucrative appointments.
Want to be a surrogate judge, a lucrative appointment that handles wills and estates?
These were lucrative appointments that gave him a wide range of useful contacts.