The lucrative area of investment banking was an obvious choice.
Outside Alliance territory, the player is likely to find more lucrative areas, but the contracts will be more dangerous.
Few regulations govern this lucrative area, with the float usually a matter of contract between a brokerage and its customers.
Business was so bad that they moved to more lucrative areas before the shows had even finished.
Two decades later, those chats have blossomed into some of the most popular, and potentially lucrative, areas on the Web.
Do you want to pursue a career and succeed in the lucrative area of music publishing?
At the same time, cost cutting in the banking industry has spread even to lucrative areas like foreign exchange.
Cardinal is moving into more lucrative areas of the drug business.
"New York is a bigger market, but there have been some fantastically lucrative areas in Europe as of late."
Spinal-fusion surgery is one of the most lucrative areas of medicine.