He also conceded that protests by shareholders, including large institutional ones, had increased against the lucrative arrangements for top managers.
These lucrative arrangements are bound by a vow of secrecy, thus the effective tax rate in specific cases is unknown.
This was an extraordinarily lucrative arrangement for any professional musician at that time.
He turned to producing in the late 1980's and currently has a lucrative producing arrangement with Paramount.
And he did so to protect his business, "a lucrative financial arrangement."
Faster and more certain than marriage, he'd made lucrative arrangements with them, finding likely places for a raid and taking a portion of the profit.
The answer is that it was a very lucrative arrangement for me.
It was not a lucrative arrangement for the new author.
Sony said Michael Jackson had entered into what may be the most lucrative arrangement ever for a recording artist.
They've since assisted with a new, more lucrative arrangement.