Orlov had successfully put a stop to a lucrative but illegal icon-exporting operation.
It seemed to be a lucrative operation.
Gilroy informs Michael that he wants Michael's help on an extremely lucrative operation.
Under his leadership, the bank has built a hugely lucrative bond-trading operation, based in London.
Chocolate was arrested in 1987, he said, and handed over the reins of the lucrative operation to Mr. Reyes, then 17 years old.
We've spent two years helping a colonel in charge of the ship's landing parties build himself up a lucrative little smug-gling operation.
It has many merits, chief among which may be noted that we can indulge in large and lucrative operations without capital.
But their success quickly drew the unwanted attention of New York's more established organized crime families, which formed a cartel to take over the lucrative operation.
I know how lucrative this operation is, but there are plenty of other things we can do to make money.
Rather, army officers often take broad advantage of their leading positions in China's political apparatus to build lucrative operations.