Now that he is the World Boxing Council and World Boxing Association 154-pound champion, De La Hoya can look ahead to exciting, lucrative possibilities.
Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani's administration sees a far more lucrative possibility: ad space.
As terror finally dropped away, Goldie's mind gradually came back to life again, presenting her with several startling, lucrative possibilities.
Following this potentially lucrative possibility, in 1975, P&G filed a new request with the FDA to use olestra as a "drug", specifically to lower cholesterol levels.
The activity of latex extraction in the Amazon revealed its lucrative possibilities.
Others began to see the lucrative possibilities of a world fresh fish trade.
Take the lucrative possibilities in aviation.
Foreign athletes benefit from the United States' unique scholastic and intercollegiate system, which offers top-flight competition leading to lucrative professional possibilities.
The Arctic is also 'cool' because of the lucrative possibilities emerging on the horizon, even though they bring with them very complex and difficult problems.
That means that despite the lucrative possibilities for a first- class faxer on Aurore they'd never be able to leave.