"After all the goodwill between us, after every deal we've done and all the profit we have made throughout our lucrative relationship?"
An offering statement from a more recent start-up shows a new and lucrative relationship for Marsh.
Sobin has had a cozy and lucrative relationship with the Government.
Relationships - Apple has lucrative and successful relationships with the most important content owners in the music and movie businesses.
What professional athletes wouldn't want a lucrative relationship with a company they believed in - particularly one with a complementary social mission?
Russia wants to preserve its lucrative commercial nuclear relationship with Iran.
In the last few years, Getty has formed exclusive, lucrative relationships with the professional sports leagues it also covers as a wire service.
If they survived, he had no doubt mat this would be the beginning of a lucrative relationship.
Yet the Bolsa's latest problems have also exposed a clash of culture in the lucrative relationship between big Mexican companies and their new foreign shareholders.
The sale also would put Puredrug into the black for 1993 and help foster a lucrative relationship with the Philippines.