Two Congressional investigations, set off from different starting points, are examining Citibank and the confidential world of private banking, a growing and highly lucrative service.
Normally, private phone companies would provide the lucrative intrastate service to such high-volume customers as state agencies and universities.
Given how lucrative the trans-Atlantic business-class service is, airlines based in the United States have little choice but to upgrade.
The company was left with basically two sorts of communications businesses, neither of them as potentially lucrative as selling wholesale telecommunications services.
That frees the rest of the spectrum for potentially lucrative wireless services or other uses.
DeParle has drawn criticism for her lucrative service on corporate boards after her tenure in the Clinton administration.
Lending is the foot in the door to sell more lucrative services, like cash management and currency trading.
To move quickly into the top ranks in those highly competitive but potentially lucrative financial services, Bank of America may have to make more acquisitions.
It seems that since the 1940's Mr. Homosoto has been performing some very lucrative services for our friends at the Pentagon.
Many private hospitals have emphasized specific, lucrative services, like cancer care or open heart surgery.