That's not all; by giving beggars money, you teach them that begging is a lucrative way to survive.
You have much more lucrative ways of spending the next five minutes.
Setting up your business on the Internet can be a lucrative way to attract customers, expand your market and increase sales.
Many thus went into executive search as it seemed an attractive, lucrative and not unpleasant way to earn a living.
Waiting tables was the most lucrative way to make money in the city.
It's a lucrative way for gangs to make money.
There are far more lucrative ways for them to make money than to lend to small businesses.
The money coupled with the status granted makes sport a lucrative and desirable way of earning a living.
Or paid his debt to society in some other very literal and lucrative way.
As always, though, teaching isn't the most lucrative way to make a living, whether it's black magic, high school English or criminal law.