E. F. Bleiler, after summarizing the novel's ludicrous plot, merely asks: "Is comment necessary?"
I've never read Amsterdam, but many of your comments could also be levelled at Solar - non-characters, appalling writing, ludicrous plot and just not funny.
The character belongs in a different movie, even a different universe, from the rest of the ludicrous plot.
And I'm glad someone else mentioned the ludicrous "plot" to murder a diplomat.
These putative assets are painfully ill served by Mr. Kirby's play, which is long on ludicrous plot and short on fresh humor.
The scripts mixed ludicrous plots with surreal humour, puns, catchphrases and an array of bizarre sound effects.
Scatological humor and extreme ludicrous plot turns punctuate a film that has drawn thematic comparisons to the artistic works of John Waters (filmmaker).
The ludicrous plots and the huge set piece explosive battles are all part of its insane charm.
Areas of the film that drew the most criticism were its two-dimensional characters, overuse of surfer slang, ludicrous plot, and questionable morals.
The film is a gruesome pileup of sports-movie clichés, incoherent action sequences and ludicrous plots.