Mr. Coscarelli tries to keep things moving, deflating the horror with intentionally ludicrous scenes such as this, but the result is all too slow and labored.
In the movie's most ludicrous scene, they make passionate love in the driver's seat of her BMW while going 100 miles an hour.
In the most ludicrous scene, Jackie picks up a White House phone and finds Marilyn Monroe on the other end trying to reach the President.
The Lowell Courier satirized the ludicrous scene at Dixon's trial:
Over more than 40 years, we learned, each of us had often focused on a single aspect of some grim or ludicrous scene that the other no long recalled.
She watched him picture the ludicrous scene, and -.
He wanted to share her animal joy in the ludicrous scene they had just witnessed.
The news ran through the Palace and a ludicrous scene followed.
The prohibition was instituted, he explained, to "prevent unnecessary delays and ludicrous scenes from occurring on the field or in the clubhouse."
Perhaps others would see this as a ludicrous scene.