Surely there was no hope of a sale here, even at the ludicrously low asking price.
And the spending assumptions used to justify those tax cuts already look ludicrously low.
Don't accept it but don't insult the vendor with a ludicrously low counter-offer.
It then transpires that the chest is a valuable antique and the price I paid is ludicrously low.
The company's initial offer of about $50 per injured person struck him as ludicrously low.
No doubt the absolute cost of the operation was impressive, but on a per-prisoner basis, it must be ludicrously low.
His initial bid for Collins was $527 million, an offer the publisher dismissed as "ludicrously low."
Making ludicrously low offers will get you whispered about.
If Göring wanted a work, he had it specially appraised at a ludicrously low level by a handpickedfonctionnaire.
The party that lost the case was to pay full fees to the other side; the fees would be set ludicrously low.