Extensive lumbering operations were carried on in the vicinity during the 1880s.
They developed a lumbering operation with a sawmill, and built a bunkhouse for the loggers.
The earliest lumbering operations harvested the largest of the white pines for use in the shipbuilding industry.
By 1900, the virgin stands of pines were depleted, the mill closed, and the lumbering operation moved away.
Rogers returned home to spend a season as clerk and assistant in his father's lumbering operations.
The park was one of Vancouver's first lumbering operations in the late 19th century.
It was the first large-scale lumbering operation in the Upper Peninsula.
In the 1920s lumbering operations began to decrease, after the advent of the Great Depression.
Other settlers followed, attracted by the growing lumbering operations of the area.
The lumbering operation ceased in 1904 when the forests were gone.