The detective broke into a lumbering run on the slimy pavement, gun held down.
Loosing a missile from her girdle and grasping her cudgel more firmly she started toward them at a rapid, lumbering run.
She broke into a lumbering run as she left the bridge and started down the companionway.
A long stretch of corridor opened up in front of the boy, and he broke into a lumbering run until sheer momentum got the better of him.
When the cows started a lumbering run, he skillfully turned them up the slope and chased them right onto the roof of the sod house.
A lumbering run to the plane, parachute slung under the backside like a cushion.
They started off at the best lumbering run that they could manage, in the general direction of the cliff.
Besides, by its lumbering run, the woman's mount was hardly fit for a saddle.
Wil's deliberate walk had become a lumbering run.
Then, shouldering and heaving all together, we brought him to a crawl, to a lumbering run.