But partly because of the scale of a Broadway house, it occasionally had a heavy, oracular air, with the play's mystical elements looming like luminous ghosts.
According to locals, they share the place with a number of luminous ghosts.
What existed were the voices in the dark, the strangers moving, speaking, loving, hating, laughing, crying beyond the walls of her dark room, luminous ghosts whom she pas-sively observed, who, in the inertia of her inner struggle, did her living for her.
The Tower lost its apparent solidity and became a luminous ghost - a long, thin-walled square box, empty except for the superconducting cables of the power supply.
Fame and death made it saintly, almost haloed, a luminous ghost.
Like an apparition, like a luminous ghost, Jake saw Kathy's shining face, saw her auburn hair, her brown eyes glinting in the moonlight, taking him in with a greedy glance.
Pots, dishes, fruits, vases and other domestic shapes form the basis for much of this Scottish-born painter's imagery, magically reduced to lyrical, luminous ghosts of themselves.
The two remaining halogen lamps-one held by George and one by Pete-were far above and about twenty feet farther toward the center of the tunnel, vaguely luminous ghost lights haunting the cloudy water.
But the beauty part is that they are reduced to lyrical, luminous ghosts of themselves.
These luminous ghosts, created by the strategic positioning of 88 high-powered searchlights, were the final tribute in a series of public efforts yesterday to remember what hardly had been forgotten.