It was then she had a dream in which the Buddha appeared to her as a luminous presence and softly chanted a verse from the Dhammapada:
She's a luminous presence and, physically, an ideal Nina; someday, she may be able to complete the portrait.
A luminous presence greeted him, enveloping his energies within its own.
Julie Alexander, a selfless and luminous presence in the work of many choreographers, goes solo with "From Nothing Real."
Yet this performance was held together by the luminous presence of Ms. Evans, whose ease, confidence and quiet intensity made her a symbol of the life force.
It called her a "luminous presence."
Cardinal Camillo Ruini spoke of "the certainty of his new, mysterious and luminous presence."
The family of Joseph Servodidio profoundly mourns the loss of his luminous presence and his unconditional devotion.
Either he appears as a luminous presence speaking out of the light, or he transforms himself into multiple forms.
We will miss her luminous and gracious presence.