Eydryth pointed to those faintly luminous wind-riding shapes.
Just the dark-smudged sky, the gathering shadows, and the curiously luminous shape of Winter Sails.
The luminous shape of a materialized spirit!
He explained that the luminous shape of man is like a ball of jack cheese with a thick disk of darker cheese injected into it.
Norhala flitted ahead of us, a faintly luminous shape in the darkness.
The skull was brighter now, a luminous shape in the night sky, eyes glowing with fury as it sought to overrule Sabat.
A luminous shape appeared.
This year, in collaboration with Laurent Nicolas, he has added stainless-steel lamps: luminous shapes with silk shades.
It took the form of 'a shining, luminous, intangible shape of the body.'
Later, when the auditorium was darkened, luminous shapes terrified the spectators by swooping over their heads.