In the open space there about twelve feet above the floor was a huge luminous sphere, shining with a brilliant, 'divine' light and splendour.
In the darkness, ve built a hierarchy of luminous spheres and set it spinning beside ver.
She got up, looked out the window, and saw a large luminous sphere hovering directly outside her building.
Within that luminous sphere was a man's head.
But that morning, Roberto was convinced he had seen something rise from the trees towards the sun, then melt into its luminous sphere.
Aristotle needed a hypothetical essence with just the right properties to form the luminous heavenly spheres.
From there, it makes the energy circulate in a broad circle that touches the edges of the luminous sphere.
Energy which has, up to this point, remained unused and on the periphery of the luminous sphere is suddenly dropped into that vortex.
The wall cleared, then formed a picture of a fuzzy, luminous sphere against a black background.
A star is a massive, luminous sphere of plasma held together by gravity.