The shadow of a lumpy head and a dapper long-billed cap fell over the table.
Pumpkinhead appears to have a lumpy head and thick legs, along with long arms and two bulbs objects that sprout from his shoulders.
He knows, somehow, that he hasn't been the only kid to cry himself to sleep on it with an aching heart and an aching, lumpy head, nor the tenth.
She chose a cane with a pleasantly lumpy head, since her sense of touch was sometimes a little vague too.
My head, still lumpy from Gotha Branlin's fist, was hurting.
The Hyach are humanoid, though they are slightly shorter on average than a human and have bald, lumpy heads.
Rodeo nodded and rubbed his hand over his lumpy bald head, fingering his braided tail.
To top it off, Mr. Lopez was endowed with what he describes as a large, lumpy head, the kind that turns schoolmates into sadistic teasers.
They were ungainly things with knobby knees and square, lumpy heads.
She was dressed in a shapeless housecoat and fluffy houseshoes, her head lumpy with rollers.