Later in the day I go to a lunchtime session on how to take a decent photo in a studio (never use a phone).
There were typical evening classes and even an early lunchtime session on Sunday, which was where I found Billy putting his pupils through their paces.
Mr. Chambers said that much of the lunchtime session was spent discussing education of future workers.
This was followed by lunchtime sessions giving staff the chance to receive advice from organisations such as the Energy Savings Trust.
At the beginning of the lunchtime sessions, architects, engineers, security consultants and cost estimators give brief presentations.
On 9 November 1961, Brian stepped gingerly inside the Cavern for the lunchtime session.
Our curriculum isn't particularly manly, other than a brief lunchtime session on carving a joint of meat.
When Neville called time for the lunchtime session, Pooley and Omally parted company.
(George Harrison first played there at a lunchtime session on 9 February 1961).
By early 1961, Bob Wooler had become the full-time compère and organiser of the lunchtime sessions.