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In two or three lurches, he had followed me into the next room.
The country seems to have settled into a pattern of lurches at black equality every 100 years.
The lurches in tone and subject matter make for a mishmash.
Sometimes when I saw him my stomach went through a series of sudden drops and lurches.
Our courts rarely make a lot of big lurches.
Nothing easier, because the wind was favorable, and lurches were not to be feared.
The growth of this high-desert city has come in lurches over the last decade.
Wednesday has a close kinship with the family's giant butler Lurch.
Charlie Tompkins compensated for his lurches without saying a word.
"You can fire one of these things offhand," Lurch said, handing him the 14.5.
The train went forward in lurches and periodically peeked out from underground.
I thought it was a very funny look at the daft lurches of politicians in Canada.
The key to Israeli elections has always been a large undecided political center, susceptible to sharp lurches.
Just the way I'd shied away from lurches, drunks and dropouts.
Do they think we walk like Lurch and talk in metallic, monotone voices?"
Sarah watches the body as it bounces back and forth to the lurches of the vehicle.
"I trained in the new guy," Lurch said, grinning.
Unfortunately, there appears to be no such strategy, only odd lurches this way and that under the pressure of day-to-day events.
This caused real harm: The sound came in shuddering, broken lurches, though the disks still played.
Then he quickly realized the jerking lurches of the floor on which he was lying could mean only one thing.
"Quantity," he instructs, as the novel lurches into the uncertain 60's.
The gin-palace gave a convulsive jerk and began moving off in a series of lurches.
Hardest, she found, was changing thrust gently enough to avoid hard, jarring lurches.
The humans held on against sudden lurches and assaulting chords of vibration.
Through her flesh, she could feel the lurches and pulsations of his humongous organ.