To the Editor: The military is having difficulty luring recruits in the midst of an increasingly deadly and unpopular war.
"She was extremely devoted to Core and would do anything for him; he used her more than once to lure recruits into the cult, including Parity."
To its critics, Fitch offers more flash than fact, luring recruits with promises of a champagne life that cannot be sustained in today's six-pack marketplace.
Employee stock purchase plans are another option for employers who want to lure new recruits.
Foreign armies and then those of the Hapsburgs lured prospective recruits in each village by enticing them into a heroic dance.
But Harris persisted and began to lure recruits.
Westhead says that he does not have his team run for show - to sell tickets or to lure recruits.
Mr. Baker's teams have no courts or fields to practice on, no money to lure big-name recruits.