These moviegoers also had tabloids packed with back-alley stories about cannibalism, gunplay and entertainingly lurid crimes - too good to be true but too good to put down.
These moviegoers also had tabloids packed with back-alley stories about cannibalism, gunplay and entertainingly lurid crimes - too...
Rumors of lurid crimes abound, without basis, the police say, and gun dealers report an uptick in sales.
Mixed in with familiar hopes of marriage and military service were dreams of lurid crimes and drugs and a romantic enchantment with the sheer act of killing.
But he has been involved with many of the city's most notorious and lurid crimes.
This lurid crime not only sparks a detective-storylike investigation but also becomes an emotional catalyst for Tessa's husband, Justin, jolting him into a re-examination of his marriage and his life.
The Italian and Belgian courts are still poring over the lurid political crimes of decades past.
So the title character, a pretty young officer who the film thinks has no place in the military, is the victim of a lurid crime.
Over the last few years, Long Island has been rocked by one lurid crime after another, almost to the point of caricature.