The poet's text uses the lush land of language for its grounding.
It's not the lush land you have in Kent, though: more rocks than blades of grass.
You made our beautiful lush land a barren and frozen desert!
"With the wall, I will lose all," he said, standing on a dirt road overlooking much of his lush land.
The Gate led them through to a land considerably less lush and tended than the one they'd originally entered.
He found lush green land here and decided to live on a high place.
It ran through a valley whose lush green land contained some of the richest soil on Earth.
For now there are plenty of bananas and avocados in the lush land around the village.
They fell down together in a sunlit place, very like the lush, colorful land of their first dream loving.
The earth has gone from a lush tropical land to a big ball of ice.