Emerald Pool takes its name from its lush green setting at the base of a 12m (40ft) waterfall.
The last scene (which is actually the first) is in a wild, lush, prelapsarian setting.
The springs are in a lush setting and get very busy on weekends.
There are now more than 25 baths and 2 pools in a lush green setting.
It is hard to imagine, in this lush setting, the horrors of a civil war, but the consequences still make themselves felt.
Overlooking the course, this is an outstanding, 192-room golf hotel in a lush, tranquil setting.
The camera was often static, the settings lush and extravagant.
Most thought the lush setting made up for the muddy sound.
Yes, even in this lush setting, she'd go stark, raving mad.
The lush setting like an oasis in the stark landscape of the coast.