Large families or clans wandering in the lush woodlands have continued to be the most common form of life through human history.
The dining rooms seem to expand in these warm months, as light reveals a lush woodland and a pretty duck pond just beyond the windows.
No lush woodlands, but tundra mixed with spruce and pine.
The region is quite scenic, with rugged limestone cliffs and lush woodlands.
In search of food, the elephants have destroyed the once lush woodlands, transforming the trees into dry, scattered shrubs.
The rooftop has a large outdoor pool that overlooks the Bath Abbey and the lush woodlands.
Once, the area around Lüneburg was covered in lush woodlands.
After the glaciers made their final retreat from Wales around 11,500 years ago, it took time to transform the barren landscape into a lush woodland.
Most of the mountain is covered in lush woodland while there are some patches of grass mainly on the mountain's western slopes.
Arid, dusty chaparral-covered hills exist within easy walking distance of lush riparian woodland.