The roots resemble fat short carrots, with lustrous off-white skin.
The kanka dropped -his hand onto her back and stroked her lustrous black skin.
The being was a huge woman with a lustrous black skin.
Michel held up his palms with Ellen and Evgenia as she approached, he stared at her lustrous skin.
The tiny girl - she seemed about four - had the same, pearly, lustrous skin; her hair was a silvery eiderdown, pallid and patrician.
She looked good, her skin smooth and lustrous.
The thinking cranial geology, the smooth, almost lustrous skin of his face, the bold eyes.
You have a beautiful skin, soft and lustrous, even if it is covered up.
She had shadowed circles under her large, expressive eyes and her lustrous skin was pale, but Jadzia could see no signs of trembling or weak-ness.
He was fascinated, watching the play of her long muscles beneath that lustrous, smooth skin.