On the near bank, lava checked that luxuriant growth for some yards.
The luxuriant growth of vegetation in this lower land was beyond anything Elossa had ever known.
And I mean heavy enough to look after all the luxuriant growth.
It grows to a height of 1.8m. Do cut regualarly for a luxuriant growth.
Swamp forests and luxuriant growth were encouraged by the warm moist air.
We came into an open space where there was more luxuriant growth than we had seen for hours.
A full and luxuriant growth of beard adorned a cheerful, open face.
But most of our race have no hair at all there, or anywhere else on the body, except for the luxuriant growth on the head.
It was in sharp contrast to Tom's more luxuriant, silver-shot growth.
Then suddenly through a polygon of green, in the half darkness under the luxuriant growth, I saw the creature we were hunting.