Just the high points; it would take all day to enumerate her luxurious appointments.
The luxurious appointments include a day spa, a heated indoor pool and a ski storage room.
Inside, he was surprised at how cramped it was, despite the luxurious appointments.
Among its other luxurious appointments was a conference table large enough for twenty potentates to have gathered at it.
Softer suspensions, greater storage, and more luxurious appointments add to their driving appeal.
Her luxurious appointments had been carefully removed and stored, and she returned to commercial service in February 1947.
It is a modern structure containing luxurious appointments and state-of-the-art sailing accommodations.
It had been stripped bare of its luxurious appointments.
Calum said, pivoting on one heel with his arms wide open, taking in the luxurious appointments.
Their goal was to design a completely new car fusing the sporty strengths of the M400 with luxurious appointments.