The major part of the decoration survived but the restaurant did not benefit from the special care allotted to luxurious restaurants.
Tommy later saves his boss from being assassinated while dining at a luxurious restaurant.
The intimate, romantic, luxurious little restaurant has an air of urban sophistication.
Its luxurious restaurant, the Richmond Room, was the source of many recipes still published today.
Diligent but inconspicuous service is expected in a luxurious restaurant of this type, and that's precisely what one gets.
Fran had only been to the luxurious floating restaurant a couple of times, but knew from experience that the food was excellent and very expensive.
It was widely considered the most luxurious restaurant in the city when it opened.
Chains of luxurious restaurants and hotels laundered his drug money.
Inside the golden ball is a luxurious revolving restaurant.
Therefore, Ahn was hired by a luxurious restaurant as a cellist.