Increasing numbers of Japanese visitors come here not only for healing energy or a luxurious retreat, but also to be reminded of traditional spas at home.
Character A luxurious retreat, the first such in an area of China set to become one of the most-visited in the country.
In short, you have your own luxurious retreat situated in perhaps the world's most exclusive location for a commendably affordable price.
A luxurious retreat, a luxurious body, unfettered at last.
Set at a luxurious retreat where a ghostly figure stares out of the window, H and Claire take their friends to the retreat.
Like a trapped beast, the man was roving the rooms of his luxurious retreat, flicking off lights, turning them on again in obedience to ever-changing whims.
At $140 a night, it was a luxurious, peaceful retreat and a bit of a splurge.
It was built as a hunting lodge, rebuilt as a luxurious retreat from the ducal capital, Schwerin, then became for a time (1765-1837) the center of government.
Built as a luxurious retreat, Kinloch Castle has since declined.
His music represents neither a daring thrust beyond the gravitational pull of 19th-century Romanticism nor a luxurious retreat back into it.