The first man in looked perfectly at home in that luxurious setting.
The most luxurious setting was a specially prepared Music Hall aboard ship.
The passengers were all quite rich, and more than happy to spend their money in such luxurious settings.
For one thing, the speaking engagements often include free trips to luxurious settings for members and their spouses.
What could be more cinematic than putting an attractive, articulate rebel in a luxurious setting and letting the drama build?
Such photographs commonly depict a naked woman of a certain type, in a tawdry attempt at a luxurious setting.
The government beneficiaries of this largess are frequently wined and dined in luxurious settings.
And I think they're looking for a luxurious setting without wallowing in great wealth.
This appointment has just become a most comfortable and luxurious setting in which to be a target!
Nevertheless their great food, greatly reduced prices and elaborate, luxurious settings represent Long Island at its best.