But he could have also bought one of the newer luxury cars now on the road.
The system came into general use in the United States in some 1997-model luxury cars.
Unsightly as it was, the late-model luxury car still had an engine.
For all the oil wealth, there are few designer boutiques here or late-model luxury cars on the roads.
Loziers were top line luxury cars and for a time were the most expensive cars produced in the United States.
They keep calling it a 'luxury car,' and all it is, is a Mercedes.
When it comes to the whole car, the common wisdom is that late-model luxury cars are more likely to be stolen.
Young people showing off their late-model luxury cars in caravans tied up major arteries for about five miles north of downtown.
American Motors marketed the Concord as a more economical alternative to larger luxury cars.
In the mid-1970s, smaller luxury cars were a growing trend, following the success of the Cadillac Seville.