This resulted in the lyrical expression of the feelings and aspirations of the population.
The song is a lyrical expression of feelings evoked while watching a lightning storm.
But it has been many years since lyrical expression was the first thought of composers.
Rock, he and the others maintain, allows a greater range of musical, lyrical and emotional expression.
This has inspired lyrical expression in the French language.
Jackson's lyrical expression has been noted as one of the key elements of the album's success.
The most important vowel is set to two or more tied notes in a phrase designed to increase the lyrical expression (see Example 47, above).
Other forms of poetry that are used in this book are lyrical expressions and sonnets.
Hemereng is an ancient Kurdish lyrical expression meaning a combination of all colors.
She was often fascinated by expressionism but later broadened her lyrical expression and has come to be called a modernist.