One of the richest, most lyrical modes of encaustic is its use as an indicator of flesh.
There was Barrymore in lyrical mode: "Actors are like waves of the sea; they rise to separate heights, then break on the shore and are gone, unremembered."
Her lyrical mode is often one of delight: "Tyvek Bruce Willis Buffalo Bertelsman," she offers in her new book, and "Nike Iowa Snapple Foucault."
But by the early 1960's her approach had changed to a more lyrical mode, in which she built up textured surfaces of fleshy, warm de Kooningesque color, applied in small strokes with a palette knife.
- the lyrical mode does not become me.
Although crews, cliques and posses have always been a part of hip-hop, rap's dominant lyrical mode has in the past been first-person singular.
Mr. Adams's music, too, stuck too long in a bland lyrical mode, with the Monnaie chorus struggling but failing to articulate the English words clearly and the stage bereft of supertitles.
Compared to the refined culture of sclerotic forms and frames, which mask everything, the lyrical mode is utterly barbarian in its expression.
In the lyrical mode of illusion and evasion that they are so fond of, at Sintra, the Fifteen decided to equip themselves with an action force that is 'pretentiously' called autonomous.
Highlighting such a formula in lyrical and ideological mode conceals the real dangers contained in making the principle of quality majority voting the general rule, thereby eliminating the rule of unanimity.