The lyrics capture the life and image of Wale's home areas Maryland and District of Columbia.
Apple's contralto voice, piano skills and lyrics captured his attention, and Slater signed her to a record deal.
His lyrics capture the vastness of the culture and landscape of Australia by chronicling life about him for over 30 years.
His lyrics capture Australia's vastness both in culture and landscape; he has chronicled life about him for over 30 years and is described as the poet laureate of Australia.
The translated lyrics capture his incorrigible mixture of seduction and nostalgia.
The lyrics must capture my attention.
The gentle lyrics, promising a better world, captured her hopes.
"Those lyrics capture the spirit of this announcement."
These lyrics capture the essence of reterritorialization at a global level.
As for the lyrical aspect of the album, Slade mentions that the lyrics capture a more aggressive tone, than their previous records.