Its music video and lyrics have hinted at the subject of enjo kōsai (compensated dating).
The lyrics hint at the traditional Yiddish saying that "the history of the Jews is written in tears".
But while the music emits a lovely glow, the lyrics hint at a bitterness that lies on the far side of sadness.
The lyrics hint at Jackson's exile from the family in the early 1990s when she was under the control of abusive manager Jack Gordon.
Such music can be quite affecting when performed by a singer capable of conveying the vulnerability that the lyrics hint at but rarely explore with any depth.
While the Deal sisters' vocals were often girlish, the oblique lyrics hinted at cataclysms: "If you're so special, why aren't you dead?"
Because his lyrics sometimes hint at social and political protest, he is often invoked as the answer to whatever is supposedly troubling hip-hop.
The lyrics "hint to the whole Popstars thing, or rather the people behind it."
And so Ne-Yo sounds polite and friendly, even when his lyrics hint at lechery or treachery.
Underneath sweet vocal harmonies, the lyrics frequently hint at far darker, scarier themes.